During surgery, a failing liver is removed, and a healthy donor liver is put in its place. Dr. A. S. Soin, Chairman of the Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, is the best liver transplant surgeon in India. He and his colleagues do 22–25 live donor liver transplants per month, on par with the greatest transplant centres in the world, with a 95% success rate.
For more details visit us at: https://www.liverdocsoin.com
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Best Liver Transplant Surgeon in India

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During surgery, a failing liver is removed, and a healthy donor liver is put in its place. Dr. A. S. Soin, Chairman of the Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, is the best liver transplant surgeon in India. He and his colleagues do 22–25 live donor liver transplants per month, on par with the greatest transplant centres in the world, with a 95% success rate.
For more details visit us at: https://www.liverdocsoin.com